Deer Park Office of Emergency Management Announces New Siren System; Live Test Scheduled for August 26
DEER PARK, TX, August 25, 2023 – The Deer Park Office of Emergency Management has announced a new emergency siren system that will undergo a live test on August 26 at noon. The test will last for 30 seconds. In the event of an actual emergency, the siren alerts will last for three minutes.

The new system includes features designed to enhance public safety, including flashing lights to alert the deaf community. The sirens will emit a different alert tone than previous systems and may sound significantly louder to some citizens.
Regular live emergency siren tests will be conducted every Saturday at noon by Deer Park, La Porte, and Pasadena to ensure the system’s reliability and effectiveness.
For more information and to listen to the new siren test sound, visit the Deer Park Office of Emergency Management’s website at DEERPARKTX.GOV/OEM.