Take 5

Erratic Man Killed in Officer-Involved Shooting in Houston; Nearby School Placed on Lockdown

Houston, TX – A 46-year-old man was fatally shot by police officers in Houston today after his brother reported that he was acting erratically, threatening neighbors, and possibly intoxicated.

At approximately 1:30 p.m., a concerned brother called authorities to request assistance at 413 Rouse in Houston, describing his sibling’s alarming behavior. Upon arrival, officers were met with an aggressive and combative male. The officers attempted to defuse the situation through verbal communication, but the man refused to cooperate and continued making threats as he entered his residence.

Fearing for their safety and the safety of others, the officers followed the man inside the house. The man continued to make threats, stating that he intended to retrieve a gun and shoot the officers. Law enforcement personnel deployed tasers in an effort to subdue the man, but the tasers had no effect. The suspect proceeded to pull out the taser darts and moved toward the kitchen.

It was at this point that the male grabbed an object, prompting the officers to discharge their firearms. The man was pronounced deceased at the scene. The two officers involved in the incident have been placed on administrative leave pending further investigation.

The house is located across the street from a local school, which was placed on lockdown as a precautionary measure. Authorities confirmed that no children were in harm’s way during the incident. The scene remains active as the investigation continues.

At the time of the shooting, one officer had discharged their weapon, while two officers were inside the residence.

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