Houston Uber driver loses dog while on a ride
Rebecca Bridges of Houston Dog Mom took to Facebook today to express her frustration after she requested a Uber ride to have the dog transported to a vet clinic in Pearland, TX.
“This dog was being Ubered to Pearland Canine Resource Center this morning. She never made it.
The Uber driver pulled over at this Travel Center at Almeda Genoa and 288 to clean up the kennel. He claims this 4 month old puppy bit him and ran.
Uber driver then panicked, “tried” to go to the PCRC to drop off the other dog but couldn’t find it (Uber app shows him stopping 2 blocks away). Then he drove around for 2 hours until cops went to his house, to force him to return the blue-eyed pittie his daughter thought was so cute.
LOCATION: Almeda Genoa & 288, at the TA Express.
LOST: 7/22/22 8am
DOG: LOLA, 4 month old black staff/pitty mix.”

This whole thing could have been prevented. Riders are supposed to ride with pets similar to how minors are supposed to ride with guardians. The driver made a mistake by accepting the ride in the first place. You can not expect a driver to be able to handle a dog, much less a rescue dog.