Fact Check: Have hackers infiltrated the Uber app?
The Rideshare Guy discusses in one of his articles about how “hackers are using the uber app“. While this is technically correct, we do want to clear up some misunderstandings here because it sounds like the article is trying to insinuate that hackers have started working at Uber, or perhaps have an employee’s credentials.
First, we will start off with the screenshot on your left:

While we can see that “Support” has contacted this driver, asking for information which is a red flag. The Rideshare Guy’s post states this correctly.
However, hackers did not infiltrate the app in the way you may be thinking. Yes, technically they did, but they did not steal Uber Support’s password to get in and use their account.
So how did they do it? All they did was change their rider name. Both Uber and Lyft do allow you to change your name as a rider, although not as a driver. I have received requests from “Ghost” and “Blockboy” personally in the past. Why do they allow this? Because legitimate names have been blocked in the past because they were not on the list of “regular” names and this was bad for PR.
Personally, I think riders should upload i.d.’s and whatever name is on that i.d. is what they need to use. This will prevent fake names like “Support” right? But what do I know, I am just a driver.
Let’s talk about the screenshot on the right:
“Your account has been flagged”.
Did Uber Support really flag their account?
No. The scammer using “Support” as a name, simply reported the driver for fraudulent activity when the driver didn’t play around.
Was Uber wrong for taking the rider’s side automatically?
No. There are so many drivers out there that are only screened with numbers on a computer that there are bound to be some shady drivers. Ever get the feeling that someone is shady, creepy, or just plain weird? This is why there are job interviews. Uber knows this. Lyft knows this. This is why your account will be placed on hold while they investigate. I have not been investigated, and yes, it would suck to be accused of something you didn’t do and now you gotta wait to make money, but if that saves one rider from being assaulted, or a drunk Uber/Lyft driver crashing and killing a family, so be it. I have not had a scammer yet, but I avoid false accusations by being polite with everyone, regardless if they are obnoxious drunk to the point they are vomiting or being a Karen, etc. 7 years and I can say it’s not hard. This driver being falsely accused by a scammer is not their fault by any means though.
Finally, yes. Be very wary of scams. These scams are nothing new, they are just getting a little bit more creative.
To Uber and Lyft – if you do not want to require i.d’s from rides, at least block names like “Support” and “Uber”. Come now. Basic steps for a big problem go a long way.