These anti-christ signs have popped up in Houston
If you have driven down 59 South between the I-45 and Spur 527, you may have seen this anti-christ billboard pop up along 59, paid for by the “Freedom of Religion Foundation”, which is ironically pushing their religious beliefs on motorists.
Once they realize that freedom of speech which allowed them to put these signs up, also protects our freedom of religion, they may feel a little silly about wasting their money, but hey, life is too short right and you might as well as enjoy it right?
By the way, there are evening services if you do want to sleep in on Sunday.

Burn in hell!
That’s not very Christian of you.
We are praying for you!
Hey, Smartypants, it’s not the first amendment’s religious freedom clause that permits this billboard and billboards by religious groups to be displayed. It’s the first amendment’s non-establishment clause, Silly. Guess you didn’t do your homework before posting! Also, I’m sure that the atheists who put up the billboard realize Christians can put up billboards too. Take, for example, the tasteful anti-abortion billboards up and down I-45.