Ask a Driver: Should I Become a UberEats Mentor in Houston?
If you are a top rated UberEats driver in Houston, you likely received the following email:

First of all, hats off to you! Congratulations!!
Yes, there will be someone out there saying “Why a mentor? It is not rocket science!” The truth is, food delivery is harder than it looks and for you to be one of the best in a major city like Houston, that has a large driver pool, that is a big deal in itself.
With that said, don’t sell yourself short. At the top, UberEats email states you can “Volunteer to Become a Mentor!”
You do not want to give this information out for free to someone who is becoming your competition.
Really? This company that is valued in the tens of billions needs volunteers? You would think they can offer some type of monetary incentive right?
You are right in assuming so, and if you consider doing this, you should ONLY do it for monetary compensation. After all, no one taught you, and you likely wasted a lot of time and money trying to figure out exactly where to go to get orders, learning how building and apartment numbers work etc.You do not want to give this information out for free to someone who is becoming your competition.
How much should you expect?
To put this into perspective, Lyft paid between $15-$30 for drivers to mentor other drivers. This included a ride down the street and back. (No riders included) to make sure that driver was a safe driver. The mentor was able to rate the driver and Lyft took that into consideration. Hopefully Uber does the same.
However, I would assume that in order to properly mentor a driver, you will need to do a few pickups and deliveries with this person. I wouldn’t become a mentor for less than $20 a delivery/meeting, as this will likely take an hour to complete.
It seems like this maybe something we can get more information on if we sign up to become a Mentor. I am not an active UberEats driver and did not receive this email. If you attend a “Mentor Session” and/or have more info, please let us know by leaving a comment below.