Uber to charge riders with pets more money in Houston
In 2019 Uber introduced a new ride type, called Uber Pet in several markets. This week, it appears Uber Pet has finally come to Houston!

Is this a good thing or bad?
– Riders who have a pet, get to be matched with riders who do not mind having a pet in their car (less cancellations for both tends to improve both rides and drivers experiences
– Drivers are paid more for Uber Pet vs. UberX
– Drivers (shady ones) will refuse service animals, with the excuse of “the rider should have ordered an Uber Pet.”
– Uber only charges a couple of dollars extra for an Uber Pet ride, and still takes their portion out of the driver’s “extra” fee.
– Riders will tip less since they automatically assume we are getting enough money to cover for things like fur.
Will I be taking Uber Pet rides?
I love animals. I have no problem taking them and have not denied any rides to any riders with a pet. However, I feel like riders will end up tipping less because of the extra fee they are being charged with via Uber. Historically, riders with pets have greatly appreciated us. I had one give me a $15 tip and even busted out a lint roller to get her dogs fur out. Do you think if she knows she paid an extra fee she will still end up tipping that much? You are right! She won’t!
On that same note, if a rider with a pet that is not a service animal decides to order an UberX, you know they are the cheapest of the cheap. If they do not want to pay a couple extra dollars for UberPet, they are not going to tip you for any fur that left behind.
The biggest problem though, that scares me, are drivers who are going to take advantage that the Uber Pet option is available and refuse rides for passengers with service animals. Remember it is against federal law to refuse someone with a service animal. If I find a Houston driver that refuses a ride for a service animal, I will make it my life mission to expose you to the world. By no means should you ever tell a rider with a service animal to pay more and order Uber
What are your thoughts on Uber Pet?
Thank God Uberpet has landed in the Houston market. I’ll use it to take my pets to the Vet and Groomer.
To the above driver-get a canvas seat cover that easily attaches to rear headrests for pet pick-ups. They’re only about 15 dollars on amazon. I always tipped in cash. Because it’s noticeable how many drivers post they ‘never get a tip’, I’ve changed to only tipping on the app.