Fact Check

Fact Check: Is This Really a Picture of the Food Truck in the IAH TNC Staging Lot?

On August 21, 2019, a Facebook user by the name of Carlos Jimenez posted in a Uber/Lyft drivers group the following picture with the caption “Your tacos will be ready in a few at TNC Bush !! Place your orders ”

So is this really a picture of the food truck in the TNC staging lot at IAH?

The answer is…

This photo, origins unknown, (possibly from NYC, not even in Houston), has been floating around the internet, but with different captions. In the below photo, (the actual food truck), we can clearly see it is not the same truck. For starters the actual truck, Halal 5 is has a yellow color scheme vs. the stainless steel silver food truck in the photo. If you look closely, you can use the menu as a point of reference and see the doors are not in the same place in both photos. If you zoom in, behind the employee, you will see what appears to be an office building in the background, there is no office building behind the Halal 5 food truck at the TNC lot.

<em>The actual food truck at IAHs TNC Staging Lot<em>

While Carlos likely meant this as a joke, it really isn’t funny when you consider the group that he posted in, a group for Uber/Lyft drivers. This particular Halal 5 food truck is the only food truck that comes to IAH (that I have seen at least) and stays there all day. Meaning, TNC drivers in the IAH parking lot are their sole customers for that particular food truck. To joke around like that, is despicable to say the least.

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